edX Verified Certificate Track
If you're eligible for a refund, you can automatically receive a refund if you unenroll from the course on your dashboard.
When is the refund available? | When is the refund NOT available? |
Up to 14 days after the Course Start Date | 6 months after the Payment Date |
Up to 14 days after the Payment Date |
Program Bundles
If eligible, you can receive a refund for each course in your program bundle separately.
When is the refund available? | When is the refund NOT available? |
If you've enrolled in a program course, up to 14 days after your enrollment or 14 days after the Course Start Date | 6 months after the Payment Date |
If you haven't enrolled in a program course, up to 6 months after your payment |
If you haven't already, click the Select Session button to choose any available session of the course. This will allow you to unenroll from the course and generate a refund if eligible.
If there are no sessions available, please contact edX support for assistance with a refund. To reach us you can click Help in the lower right or use the Contact Us form.
Professional Education
For most Professional Education courses, you can contact edX support. To request a refund for a professional education course, you can click Help in the lower right or use the Contact Us form.
You can find our edX refund policy in our Terms of Service.
Refunds for Boot Camps are subject to the terms of your enrollment agreement for the applicable Boot Camp program.
For information about how to unenroll from a course, see How do I unenroll from a course?
For more information about refund eligibility in courses that offer multiple sessions, see How do I complete a course when multiple sessions are available?