Finding Courses
To browse courses, select Discovery in the edX app.
When you find a course that interests you, select the course to view its About page. Under About this course you can find course details such as the course start date, the length of the course and effort required, whether a certificate is offered, the language that the course is taught in, and so on. Many About pages include an informational video about the course.
Please note that depending on the type of problems used in the course, you might not be able to complete all the course assignments or exams using the app.
Enroll in Courses
To enroll in a course, select Enroll from the course About page.
Note: For some courses, such as Professional Education courses where there is no audit track and you must pay the certificate fee upon enrolling, you can only enroll on the website.
When you initially enroll in a course, you join the audit track for a course. If the course includes a verified track and the upgrade deadline for the course has not passed, you can upgrade to the verified track via mobile browser to earn a certificate.
For more information about enrolling and about course tracks, please review What are the differences between audit (free) and verified (paid) courses?
Upgrade Courses
At this time, payment is not available through the edX mobile app. To upgrade your course, log into your account in a mobile browser.
Unenroll From a Course
To unenroll from a course, use a web browser to go to your dashboard on the website. Follow the directions in How do I unenroll from a course?