Contents of this article
- Choosing a session
- Upgrading to verified from the audit track
- Joining a session within 24 months
- Changing or leaving sessions
- Unenrolling and getting a refund
Choosing a session
Note: This article applies only to courses purchased as a program bundle that offer the ability to change sessions.
A course session is the period during which a course is held. A course might offer several sessions scheduled over the next year or so. For example, a course might have two available sessions:
- Session 1: January 10, 2022 to May 12, 2022
- Session 2: August 22, 2022 to December 23, 2022
When you purchase a program you may receive the ability to choose a session instead of being directly enrolled in the current course. Some courses only show the currently available session, but some courses might offer multiple sessions over the next year.
For these courses you see options to select a session, change to a different session, or leave a session. You must select a session before you can access the course.
To select a session, click Select session.
Then you will find different sessions listed by their start date.
Once you have made a selection, click the Confirm Session button.
If there are no sessions available, the Select Session button will be inactive and there will be a message, 'There are no sessions available at the moment.'
Upgrading from the Audit Track to Verified
- If you were already enrolled in the audit track of a program's course and you purchase that program as a bundle, we automatically enroll you in the verified track of the course, in the same session. You can change to a different session if the one we enrolled you in does not work for you.
Joining a Session Within 24 Months
- After you purchase the verified track for a course, you have 24 months from the date of purchase to join a course session. After 24 months, if you have not joined a session, your purchase expires, and you can no longer access the course.
Changing or Leaving Sessions
- After you join a course session you can change to another session or leave the session within 14 days, as long as you have not completed the course.
- Leaving a session is not the same as unenrolling from the course. If the current session does not work for you, you can leave a session and wait to decide on joining a later session of the course.
- To do so, click Change or Leave Session below the course's title.
After you click Change or leave session, a modal will pop up. If you wish to select a different session, select one of the other sessions listed and click Confirm Session.
To leave the session without choosing another, select Leave session.
To cancel changing the session, click Nevermind.
Note: When you change sessions, your course progress is not carried from your current session to your new session.
Unenrolling and Getting a Refund
- After selecting a session, you can unenroll from the course entirely and get a refund of your course purchase, as long as you have not been in a course session for more than 14 days*.
- If the refund eligibility period has passed (meaning that you will not receive a refund when you unenroll), the unenroll option is not available.
* And your original payment is within 180 days.