If your company or organization has purchased an edX subscription (only available through Enterprise currently) and you see a 404 message when clicking the acceptance link, this likely is one of two situations:
- You have not yet registered for an account on edX.org. Registration needs to be completed separately from the subscription invitation. You must register using the email address you were invited with at https://authn.edx.org/register
- You are signed into a different edX account. You must be signed in with the account connected to the email address where the invite was sent.
- Log out and log in to the correct account
- If you have an existing edX account under a different email address, you can change the registered email on the account to match that on the invite
- If you are logged into the correct account and still seeing the 404 error, try clearing your browser cache and cookies, close and reopen the browser, then log in again, or try an incognito window.
- If you continue to have difficulty, contact us using the Help link in the lower right!